Sacrificing your family and free time isn't the only way to build a business that financially supports your dreams.
Get ready for Peak Prosperity CFO!
Peak Prosperity CFO is a Fractional CFO provider for 7-figure business owners who are ready to increase their take-home pay by $100k in the next 12 months.
Truth bomb: You want your 7-figure business to serve as an asset that supports our personal goals and dreams. And badly!
When you started your business, you were burning both ends of the candle to get your business off the ground. You continued this hustle at the 6-figure mark and told yourself, "Once I get my biz to 7-figures I'll be able to cut back my hours AND I'll be able to pay myself what I'm worth from the business."
But here you are with what appears to be a successful 7-figure business, but your personal bank account doesn't feel abundant. You might have found work-life balance at one point, but are now thinking that the only way to pad your personal funds is to go back to overworking yourself in your business.
Giving up sounds tempting when it looks like NOTHING will change. But the thing is ... you're COMMITTED to transforming this businesses into one that supports your lifestyle-- and cracking the code to increasing your take-home pay from your business!
You've already tried one or more of these. . .
It's frustrating and demoralizing to feel like you've tried (or at least considered) it all, and to be honest you're TIRED and ready for a different way.
Real talk: The reason those things haven't worked for you is because your business goals aren't aligned with your personal dreams.
We've seen clients struggle with this over and over again, which is why we created Peak Prosperity CFO.
With our 1:1 consulting program, we've helped numerous clients increase their annual take-home pay by at least $100k by transforming their business into an asset that supports their personal goals!
If you're truly ready for REAL support of your personal lifestyle and dreams from your business, Peak Prosperity CFO was designed specifically to help you get there.
Our approach is different than other Fractional CFO programs because we start with your personal goals and create a roadmap for your business to support you as the business owner!
Over your first year working with Peak Prosperity CFO, we will focus on the following areas and goals :
Peak Prosperity CFO seeks established 7-figure business owner applicants with specific criteria.
The fact is -- we can only accept a limited number of participants at any given time -- and (because of our guarantee below) we only work with those who are qualified and ready to show up, do the work, and focus to achieve the objectives of the program.
Because of this, it’s imperative that every participant is truly ready for this level of growth -- to transform their business into an asset that supports your personal goals and dreams-- and has the attitude and drive to make the most of their time with Peak Prosperity CFO to get there!
It is truly exciting to guide a 7 figure business owner to transform their business into an asset that supports their goals and dreams, but we must make sure you are qualified (and ready) before we commit to working with you in this program.
7 figure business owners who:
How we'll work together through Peak Prosperity CFO:
The format of Peak Prosperity CFO's consulting service is what makes it truly unique and helps you achieve results that were previously not possible.
When we speak, I’ll explain the entire format and structure in detail.
For now, what’s most important to know is that we use a blend of…
The Scorecard is the monthly report based on our monthly meeting. It includes:
In addition to our monthly CFO meetings, Peak Prosperity CFO clients get:
This program is not cheap, but it's not designed to be. Research shows that people are more likely to invest their time into programs that they are financially invested in as well. However, we have priced our service at less than 5% of your business's revenue, so it is definitely an investment your business can afford. Also, we are promising you at least a six-figure increase in your take home pay, so we are confident that the ROI is there!
We sign on clients with 12-month contracts to guarantee pricing for you as a client. However, if at any point in the year, you are not satisfied you can cancel your contract, no questions asked.
But what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working and it’s time for that to stop, once and for all.
You’re here reading this page because you’re a 7 figure business owner who’s SO done with….
❏ Being a struggling entrepreneur instead of the wealthy CEO you feel like you should be at this point.
❏ Feeling like there should be more money in the business to pay yourself with, but just not positive where it is or how much it is.
❏ Working more hours in the business than you thought you'd be once you hit this level.
❏ Flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to financial decision making in your business.
❏ Your financial team consisting of just your bookkeeper and your tax preparer. You need someone advising you on a regular basis.
You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods and remaining at the same level.
You’re ready for REAL support. REAL progress. REAL MONEY!
Working with Peak Prosperity CFO, you'll finally run a business that works for you instead of the other way around!
Are you ready?
Unlike traditional Fractional CFOs, Peak Prosperity CFO does not create financial goals based on other businesses or industry standards. We don't inundate you with financial reports that can confuse you more than help you.
Peak Prosperity CFO is different in our focus to set business goals that are based on and aligned with your personal goals and dreams.
As a client of Peak Prosperity CFO, you will not only be an integral part of setting your business's goals, but you will also be presented the financial information in a way that is not confusing or overwhelming.
The best part is how absolutely do-able this will be, once you have the right professionals with the right roadmap in your corner.
© Peak Prosperity CFO | Associated with Bree Beers & Associates